www.schealthconnector.org is your #1 source for SC Health Plan Enrollment Information! CONTACT US today for enrollment assistance! Scroll to the end of this post for detailed video instructions!
We are pleased to provide our clients SC health plan enrollment Information to help get enrolled and compare health plans on the new health insurance marketplace. However, please follow the instructions below so that we may properly assist you. Please note that we will not have access to your SC health plan enrollment to work with you if you do not complete the registration properly. As experienced SC agents, we have a state of the art software system that allows up to share computer screens during the health plan enrollment process. This allows you to complete your SC health plan enrollment at your convenience on your computer, when you want to and where you want to, with the added security of having an expert agent advising you!
For our clients wishing to enroll in a SC health plan on their own, directions below!
SC Health Plan Enrollment Information:
Log in at http://www.healthcare.gov and register…
When the you are logged in to the healthcare.gov page, you will see a screen labeled,“Help applying for coverage.” On this screen, it is vital that the you enter the following information: agent’s/broker’s name, NPN, and FFM User ID (if the agent/broker has an FFM User ID). Click on the image above to verify information. Accurate entry of our agent’s/broker’s information on that screen will enable the insurance carrier to associate the health plan enrollment with us, your agent/broker.
Our NPN number is 7889453 and our FFM User ID is jtdickerson. Please be sure to enter these codes into the “help applying for coverage” section so that we can access your South Carolina Health Plan enrollment account. Please call us directly if you need assistance or have questions. Be advised that the system is currently overloaded and you may have trouble registering right away. Keep in mind, there is no rush to enroll since all the SC health plans enrollments are not effective until January 1st 2014. The cutoff date for January 1st 2014 SC health plan enrollments is December 15th 2013.
Check out this enrollment instructional video:
Through our virtual desktop meeting technology, we are happy to serve ALL of South Carolina including: Abbeville County, Aiken County, Allendale County, Anderson County,Bamberg County, Barnwell County, Beaufort County, Berkeley County, Calhoun County, Charleston County, Cherokee County, Chester County, Chesterfield County, Clarendon County, Colleton ,ounty,Darlington County,Dillon County,Dorchester County,Edgefield County, Fairfield County, Florence County, Georgetown County,Greenville County, Greenwood County,Hampton County,Horry County,Jasper County,Kershaw County, Lancaster County,Laurens County, Lee County, Lexington County, Marion County,Marlboro County,McCormick County, Newberry County,Oconee County,Orangeburg County, Pickens County,Richland County,Saluda County, Spartanburg County, Sumter County, Union County, Williamsburg County, York County